
This one is a special bike and not the kind of thing you see everyday..

I bought it in 2016 in California & have never really tried to sell it as have always had the idea of restoring it & keeping it in my collection but I have never done much with it & have loads of other current projects on the go & more on the way over so just not sure i’ll get to it & it seems a huge shame to leave it like this when it could be such a gorgeous bike.

So first of all Boyd & Stellings were high end bike builders back in the day.  A bit like Cheney & Rickman they’d take and engine and build a very trick bike around it..  You could buy the frames & build the bikes yourself which is what i suspect this one was.

They built top shelf stuff that raced in AMA series with top riders on board them like Marty Tripes.

Now back in  the 70’s one of the tope US magazines did a big feature on building a Boyd & Stellings kawasaki Bighorn so i reckon this is what someone did back in the day.

This frame features the famed adjustable headstock so you can alter the rake & trail!! Very cool & very trick

The Bighorn engine is a 350cc 2 stroke rotary valve motor and should be a bit of a flying machine – that said the Big Horn was an enduro bike rather than motocross so suspect it has a more tractable power delivery rather than the wild power you’d get from motocross.

I had done some work on this bike a few years ago & literally this bike fired up first kick yesterday after i changed the fuel.

she does need work but would make an amazing collectible & rare bike when done.

Has a suzuki front end which i think would be better as a Kawasaki or something more special – the fork chrome has gone through but depends what you plan to do with the front end.

The biggest thing would be to have the frame Nickel plated & build a nice Aluminium OR stainless airbox for her.

The bike is really a blank canvas that would make a mega thing when done.
fixed price on this as it has a place in my heart.

great project & engine runs as sweet as a nut – see video to see her running.